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It is the mission of the GLCS Fine Arts Foundation to promote Arts education in the Gull Lake Community Schools.  We do this by offering grants to students, teachers, or administrators to help fund arts-related activities, or to purchase arts-related materials or equipment. 


- Provided funds for Kellogg and Richland Elementary Schools to purchase bluetooth speakers to assist in music curriculum delivery

- Provided a grant to the GLHS Performing Arts Company to support their production of The Great Gatsby


- Provided funds for Kellogg and Richland Elementary Schools to purchase bluetooth speakers to assist in music curriculum delivery

- Provided a grant to the GLHS Performing Arts Company to support their production of The Great Gatsby

Although the 2019-2020 school year was cut short, the GLCS Fine Arts Foundation was still able to provide $4,200 in grants to support a number of fine arts activities in the Gull Lake Community Schools.

- Provided funds for GLHS Band Students' Disney Trip

- Provided funds to help support the production of a musical at the       GLMS

- Provided funds to allow the GLMS Choir to participate in choral festival

- Purchased two laveliere mics for GLMS music program

- Helped fund transportation for the GLHS Performing Arts Company to participate in their State Competition


- Provided funds for student participation in Band Camp

- PAC Trip to Stratford Festival

Helped fund the purchase of a cork strip hanging system to display student artwork at Kellogg Elementary School

- Helped fund transportation for the GLHS Band and GLHS Performing Arts Company to their State Competitions

- Assisted with purchase of Sound System at the Ryan Intermediate School

- Paid Michigan School Vocal Music Association Members to all GLMS Vocal Ensemble to participate in competition

- Helped fund a visit from Angela Lloyd, a renowned, whimsical poet, storyteller and musican

- Provided funds to help purchase new bad instruments

provided funds to support the Kellogg Elementary Art Show

2017 - 2018

- GLHS Art Class to help fund transportation cost for student trip to Art Prize

- GLHS Marching Band - to purchase of new audio system 

- Elementary Art Conference Registration Fee

- Guest Storyteller - Help fund the visit of Spoken Word Artist Lynette Ford, who visited with approximately 1400 GLCS students

- To help fund student participation in an exclusive Texas Ballet Theater Summer Ballet Intensive program

- Elementary Art - to purchase of mat materials to display artwork at Festival of the Senses

- High School Art - to purchase of artwork replicas to add to permanent collection and provided $400 in prize money for student awards for Festival of the Senses

- GLHS Marching Band - Funded Drum Major Clinic for the three high school drum majors

TOTAl amount of Grants Awarded:  $4881


- GLHS Performing Arts Company received $2,000 for assistance with costume rentals for the fall pay, as well as money to purchase building materials and tools

 - GLCS Fine Arts Educators received funds to reimburse them for the 

Annual Membership fee for Michigan Art Education Association

- Two GLHS students received funds to help defer the costs of participation in the High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall

- Fees were provided to Spoken Word Arts La'Ron Williams to visit the GLCS and perform for a number of audiences at each school

- Richland Elementary School received funds to help support the annual Richland Elementary Art Show

- We once again supported the GLHS Festival of the Senses, by providing funds for the traveling tapestry of Jackson Pollack’s work, and prize money for the Student art Prizes.

- Funds were provided to purchase a kiln for Art classes at the Ryan Intermediate School

- Funds helped purchase Art Supplies to benefit approximately 100 art students at Gull Lake High School

TOTAL amount of Grants Awarded: $8,055

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